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Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Docent
Department of Theory and Methods of Nursery and Special Education Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
Theses CHAPTERS OF THE MONOGRAPH TEXTBOOKS. EDUCATIONAL – METHODICAL MANUALS LIST OF PUBLICATIONS FOR 2022 1. Chupakhina S.V., Krul L.M., Kyrsta N.R. Personal and professional development of teachers of preschool educational institutions in the conditions of modernization. Collection of scientific works "Pedagogical Sciences". Kherson. Vol. 97, 2021. P. 64-71 () 5. N. Kyrsta, I. Skomorovska. Organizational and methodological aspects of the centers of personal development of children in the system of preschool education // Mountain School of the Ukrainian Carpathians. Scientific specialist publication on pedagogical sciences. No. 26. – 2022. – P.23-28 Training manual Kalichak YL, Kirsta NR Psychodiagnostic support of child development in the conditions of ZDO: workshop. Drohobych: Editorial and Publishing Department of Drohobych State Pedagogical University named after Ivan Franko, 2019. – 60 p. Tutorial Lysenko NV Pedagogy of Ukrainian preschool: In 3 parts, part 3: textbook /Lysenko N/V , Н.Р. Kirsta, N.B. Lazarovich. – Kyiv: Slovo Publishing House, 2019.- P. 125-250 376 p. Deputy Dean for Education Quality. Teaches the following main disciplines: “Child psychology”, “Fundamentals of special pedagogy”, “Prevention and correction of deviant behavior”, “Psychology of high school”, “Age psychology”. Provides scientific guidance for term papers, master’s theses and dissertations. Address: S. Bandery street 1/302, Ivano-Frankivsk. w.t. (0342) 50-91-38 E-mail: nataliia.kyrsta@pnu.edu.ua Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника
1. Peculiarities of the functioning of children’s development centers in the system of
preschool education institutions. National education in the strategies of socio-cultural
creation: theory, methodology, practice: materials of the IV All-Ukrainian scientific
and practical internet conference with international participation (May 20, 2020).
Lutsk, 2020. c.123 – 125.
2. Preservation of emotional stability of teachers in the conditions of inclusive
education of children in special education. Materials of the reporting scientific web
conference of teachers, doctoral students, and postgraduate students of the university
for the year 2019 of the Vasyl Stefanyk Pre-Carpathian National University, April
6–8, 2020, Ivano-Frankivsk. Ivano-Frankivsk: Prykarpattia. national University
named after V. Stefanyka, 2020. 507 p., p. 176 – 178.
3. Peculiarities of the relationship between emotional burnout and behavior in the
professional activity of a teacher Professionalism of a teacher in the conditions of
modern educational space: materials of interuniversity. (correspondence) sciences. –
practice conf. (Khmelnytskyi, February 28, 2020) Khmelnytskyi: PP "A.V. Tsaruk",
2020. 294 p. pp. 103-106.
4. Peculiarities of the activity of an assistant educator of an inclusive group of SEN.
Implementation of inclusive education in the context of reforming the New Ukrainian
School: materials of the All-Ukrainian educational and practical E-conference (April
28, 2020). Rivne, 2020. c.44 – 46.
5. Psychoprophylaxis of emotional burnout of preschool teachers. Ways of improving
the professional competences of specialists in today’s conditions: materials of the 1st
International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference (May 28-29, 2020). Kyiv,
2020. p. 98 – 100.
1. Comprehensive program of pedagogical practice for students of the first (bachelor) level of higher education, specialty 012 "Preschool education" (full-time and extramural forms of education). Ivano-Frankivsk: G.M. Kushnir Publisher, 2020.40 p.
2. Methodological recommendations for the organization of industrial practice in
preschool education institutions for students of the II year of the first (bachelor) level of higher education (full-time and part-time education) – Ivano-Frankivsk: G.M. Kushnir Publisher, 2020. 18 p.
3. Methodological recommendations for the organization of industrial practice in preschool education institutions for students of the IV year of the first (bachelor) level of higher education (full-time and part-time education) – Ivano-Frankivsk: G.M. Kushnir Publisher, 2020. 32 p. 2021
1. Sheketa V., Zorin V., Chupakhina S., Kyrsta N., Pasieka M. and Pasieka N. Empirical Method of Evaluating the Numerical Values of Metrics in the Process of Medical Software Quality Determination. International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Application (DASA), Sakheer, Bahrain, 2020, pp. 22–26, URL: https://doi.org/10.1109/DASA51403.2020.9317218 – SCOPUS
2. Chupakhina S.V., Kyrsta N.R. Prevention of dyscalculia in children of older preschool age: peculiarities of the organization of developmental work. Current issues of humanitarian sciences: interuniversity collection of scientific works of young scientists of Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University. Drohobych: "Helvetika" Publishing House, 2021. Issue 40. Volume 3. P.262–268Сategory B
1. Kyrsta N.R. Psychological and pedagogical support of children with Down’s syndrome in an inclusive educational environment of institution of preschool education. Materials of the 5th All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference "Innovative approaches in education and rehabilitation of children with special educational needs" (May 17-18, 2021). Kyiv, 2021. P. 24-29
2. The formation of personal competence of preschool children in the educational environment of institution of preschool education. Materials of the 1st International scientific and practical conference "Education of early and preschool children in Ukraine: current state and development prospects" (June 10-12, 2021). Lutsk, 2021. P. 64-68.
3. Kyrsta N. R. Formation of personal-evaluative competence of children before school age. Materials of the reporting scientific web conference of teachers, doctoral students, and postgraduate students of the university for the year 2020 of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (April 5-9, 2021). Ivano-Frankivsk: Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, 2021. P.20-21 (0.25 p.p.).
Chupakhina S.V., Kyrsta N.R. Practically oriented technologies in professional and methodical training of teachers in the conditions of informatization of education. Opole: Publishing House WSZiA. 2021. ISBN 978-83-66567-33-7. C. 2019-223
1. Lysenko N.V., Kyrsta N.R., Pedagogy of Ukrainian preschool: In 2 parts: Study guide. /Editor’s note N.V. Lysenko – K.: Slovo Publishing House, 2021. Part 2. 356 p.
2. Lysenko N.V., Kyrsta N.R., Lazarovych N.B. Pedagogy of Ukrainian preschool: In
3 parts: Study guide. /Editor’s note N.V. Lysenko – K.: Slovo Publishing House, 2021. Part 3. 373 p.
2. Potapchuk T., Chupakhina S., Kyrsta N., Kravets N. (2022). The interaction of specialists of preschool educational institutions with the family with the child with a speech disorder: theoretical aspects. Acta Paedagogika Volynienses. Lutsk: Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, Issue 1. t1. 2022. P.183-191. Professional Edition. https://doi.org/10.32782/apv/2022.1.1.29 Executioner. B. Helvetica Publishing House, 2022 www.journals.vnu.volyn.ua/index.php/pedagogy
3. Marchii-Dmytrash T.M., Kyrsta N.R., Matishak M.V. Psychological and pedagogical basics of forming the communicative culture of future educators of IPE: an interdisciplinary approach. Mountain School of the Ukrainian Carpathians. Issue 26 (2022). P.80-85
4. Chupakhina S., I. Skomorovska, N. Kyrsta, L. Krul. Readiness of Specialists in the Field of Education for Social Partnership Inclusive Aspect // Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. – Vol. 9. – No. 1. 2022. – p. 157-168.
6. S. Chupakhina, N. Kyrsta, N. Zakharasevych. A child in a sensory-cognitive space: features of using Lego technology. Bulletin of Lviv University. Pedagogical series. 2022. Issue. 37. C. 181-193
7. Potapchuk T., Kyrsta N., Kravets N. (2022). Pedagogical cooperation between the family and educational institutions as a prerequisite for the development of a child with special educational needs. Educational horizons. No. 1 (54), 2022. P. 132 – 136.
8. Bezliudniy O., Kravchenko O., Kondur O., Reznichenko I., Kyrsta N., Kuzmenko Yu., Tkachuk L. National and Patriotic Education of Young Students by Means of Digital Technologies in Distance Learning Environment. International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 2022. Vol. 22 No. 7 pp. 451-458. WoS